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The Versatile Blogger Award
0 Adorable | Senin, 24 Juni 2013 21.31

Hell-o gals ! 
long time no see you all btw, thanks to menay for gived this award to me 


If you are nominated, you've been awarded the Versatile Blogger award.

1. Thank the person who gave you this award.✔
2. Include a link to their blog.✔
3. Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you've recently discovered or follow regularly.
( I would add, pick blog or bloggers that are excellent! ) Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Bloggers Award -- You might include a link to this site.
4. Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

3. Nomination............. TADA...........

SoB-Yumi-MD || []Qistii--Lo || Della || Syavira

4. 7 Facts about me
 Addicted w/ AniManga and JPOP 
 playing Ayo Dance 
 Failed Roleplayer 
 Fell in love w/ Lelouch Lamperouge 
 Failed VVOTA 

catch y later in the next post 

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A Swallowtail Butterfly That Can't Fly
0 Adorable | Selasa, 01 Januari 2013 00.54

For some reason, just thinking about you
Makes me burst into tears
When did I become
Such a wimp?

My feelings
Are still switched on 
That night, for the first time
I met someone I don’t want to lose

I don’t “like” you, I “love” you
My heart is pounding for real
This naive chrysalis has grown wings
I don’t “like” you, I “love” you
I’m a swallowtail butterfly that can’t fly
To your sweet nectar

When I’m by your side
It’s strange, but I feel relaxed
We don’t need words
My heart just opens

My instincts and genes
Are making a road before my eyes
I knew we’d meet somewhere someday
It’s the reason I’m alive

It’s not “lust”, it’s “love”
I don’t want someone else to take you away
I want you all to myself because you’re important to me
It’s not “lust”, it’s “love”
I spread my adult wings
I’m a swallowtail butterfly

Where all the flower petals are
Pretty girls
Carry pollen
My dream is nectar far away

I don’t “like” you, I “love” you
My heart is pounding for real
This naive chrysalis has grown wings
I don’t “like” you, I “love” you
I’m a swallowtail butterfly that can’t fly
To your sweet nectar

It’s not “lust”, it’s “love”
I don’t want someone else to take you away
I want you all to myself because you’re important to me
It’s not “lust”, it’s “love”
I spread my adult wings
I’m a swallowtail butterfly

Swallowtail butterfly

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New template
0 Adorable | Minggu, 23 Desember 2012 22.25

Konnichiwa (●´∀`●)ノ
i'm using new template now  
what do you think ? is it lemot ?

btw, readers.. i have bad score on this smester   i wanna cry because of this \(≧Д≦)/
but its my fault actually  i'm not study hard on final exams (_")m
so my average score just 86,4 

and today i'm 15 y.o   i have a weird birthday today -_-

because i celebrated my birthday on twitter  not with my best friends lalala (x_x)

okay that's all readers.
once again i said HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR ME 

sorry for bad english -

matta ne 

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Hate - AKB48 lyrics
0 Adorable | Rabu, 12 Desember 2012 02.40

when i see the title of the song, immediately i stalk the lyrics..
and i was shocked.
the lyrics is so painful for me 5 months ago (˙▿˙?)
then i downloaded the mp3 and my opinion it's the great song of AKB48 (♥▿♥ʃƪ)

i'll share you the lyrics and video

Japanese (Kanji / S-JIS) Lyrics 歌詞

Don’t you mind me!


なんか なんか なんか

I hate you!

だって だって だって

I hate you!

まさか ここじゃ泣くわけない
I love you!

Don’t you mind me!

English Translation Lyrics

Don’t you mind me!

If I look in your eyes
I can see that you’re lying
You had something to say
Kind words
Hurt more than they should
It’s like
I’m sick of it
Like “I love you”
And “You love me”
These words are way too uncertain
Being tossed around

If I could hate you
Right now
It wouldn’t last long…
To think that our love is over
I’ll give you the middle finger
And stick out my tongue as we part
I wish that I never met you
I hate you!

If I’m being quiet
You should hold me
Don’t make excuses…
My anger won’t disappear
Just with a kiss
It’s because
It’s all so stupid
Like “I was jealous”
And “I’m all yours”
These words are way too convenient
I want to ignore them

If I hated
All of that
I would turn my back
Count to 10
Then leave the room
I’ll get rid of the love I have in my heart
I’m serious this time
I hate you!

If I despised you
With all of my heart
It wouldn’t last long…
I keep hurting myself
With feelings like these
There’s no way I’d cry here
I can’t show any weakness
I love you!

Don’t you mind me!

what do you think? it's painful ? i think yes βακα..._〆(・ェ・*)

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Skin baru (~._.)~
0 Adorable | Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012 21.29

sebenarnya udah lama sih..
tapi karena di blogskin aku nggak bisa ngasih screenshoot jadi aku posting disini '-'

silahkan diliat + download + comment yaps '-'b

Lagi-lagi Atsuko Maeda.
Ya emang dia kami-oshi ku sih. haha ._.V

oh iya gue mao minta maap sama temen gue deh. harusnya gue gak boleh posting ini soalnya ini kan jepang ~.~
tenang aja ini kan hanya bisnis (?) duagh .-.

eh iya ini kalo mau liat LIVE PREVIEW 
trus ini kalo mau download skinnya download

nah kalo udah semua tekan yang ini ya :D


kalo udah muncul gak boleh dibatalkan + keluar loh ya :p

Ok. cyao~

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Template Baru
0 Adorable | Jumat, 24 Agustus 2012 20.40

ohayou semua.
sekedar memberi tau kalo aku ganti template ?
gimana ? jelekkan ?
emang mnurut aku juga jelek. soalnya aku ubahin smua. jadi keliatan aneh.banyak banyak themanya AKB48. yah aku pake thema ini mengingat Acchan yang mau graduate :"
 smoga aja besok senen jam 4 sore aku bisa liat live streamin' nya.. AMIN!!! *ini kenapa jadi ngoceh Acchan -_-" * <skip>
padahal ada yang bilang "skin-nya bagus" emang skin yang kemaren bagus, tapi gak bisa d kasih blockquote trus kata temenku blog aku juga lemot *entah kenapa tuh anak slalu bilang blog gue lomot -_-*

nah dengan gantinya skinku ini smoga blogku dibilang enteng. skin freak ? gamasalah XD

oke ja~ smuanya '-')/

lia :3

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Kena TAG !
1 Adorable | Rabu, 22 Agustus 2012 17.51

baru aja gue post kemaren lusa..
eh udah di suruh posting lagi..
yaudah lah unutuk menutupi kejadian masa lalu #eaaa (?)

Ya aku dapet tag !
dari siapa ? niih orangnya >> arisa *bakar menyan* ._.

Sebelum itu baca rulesnya ya :v


1. Tiap orang yang kena tag harus nulis 11 hal mengenai dirinya sendiri
2. Jawab pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh orang yg nge-tag kamu
3. Bikin 11 pertanyaan baru untuk orang yg ingin kamu tag
4. Tentuin 11 orang untuk dapat awad ini dan link-kan mereka ke post-mu
5. Pergi ke halaman blog mereka dan kasih tau kalo mereka dapat award ini
6. Gak bisa nge-tag balik

Tiyus ini pertanyaan dari arisa .3.

1. Emm... Punya social network apa aja?
2. Gini ya *curhat dikit* #uhuk , aku lagi kangen berat sama seseorang. Tapi dia kayaknya nggak peduli. kalau kalian jadi aku, kalian bakal apa?
3. Suka/tau penyanyi lama ngga? sebutin dong~ <3
4. Apa pendapat kalian tentang rasisme?
5. Tergila-gila sama barang/benda apa?
6. Di tivi suka nonton apa?
7. Pernah nonton Glee? Suka siapa di Glee? xDD
8. Kalian pernah membatik ngga?
9. Tempat liburan terfavorit!
10. Tas sekolah kalian warna apa? Kalau sekolah berat ngga? *haduh pertanyaannya*
11. Lagu yang cocok sama keadaan kalian sekarang apa?

Ini jawabannya...
1. Facebook, Twitter, Heello, YM, blogger, de el el ._.
2. Berdoa biar dia kangen balik :v
3. suka. broery marantika wks. :p
4. no koment.
5. Laptop + Komik + Hape dong :p
6. kartun ._.
7. gak ._. << kurang gawl
8. pernah :3
9. Rumah !
10. ijo ._.lumayan .______________.
11. Charice - Crescent Moon <3

Sekarang pertanyaan dari saya ukehh...
1. suka anime gak ? kalo suka apa namanya ?
2. suka sama siapa di JKT48 ? 
3. Jumlah mantan mu berapa ? <<~ pertanyaan apa ini ?
4. punya musuh gak ? kalo punya, udah di maafin belum ?
5. Alasan punya blog kenapa ?
6. pendapatmu tentang illuminati ?
7. siapa bias kalian ? kenapa kalian idolakan ?
8. Jumlah komikmu berapa ?
9. HPmu ada berapa ? typenya apa ?
10. Apa pendapatmu tentang Lolicon, Shotacon, pedofilia dan moe ?
11, Lagu yang kau suka saat ini apa ? 

Tag-nya buattt....
1.   Kak Mauditha
2. Urfie
3. Kak wenny
4. Lulu
5. Kak Betthany
6. Sekar
7. Ivan
8. Shiya
9. Kak Fuji

Dikerjain yang serius yaaa..
ntar kalo udah d selesain tag nya aku civoks deh.
nyahahahaha . .. . .

c u all :3

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Manarie li que vaqeriao |At vver eos et accusam dignissum qui blandit est praesent luptatum delenit aigue excepteur sint occae. Et harumd dereud facilis est er expedit distinct.

Yoii rockem sockem mow-em yown. Manarie li que vaqeriao. Yoii rockem sockem mow-em yown. Manarie li que vaqeriao.

Harsh word not allowed!
Kick out devil anon.
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Layout made by Koala
Inspiration from mymostloved .